Friday, February 24, 2012

Warning: You will never be the same again.

You can't walk away. Once you know you just won't be the same again. You can say that you don't want to talk about it because its too painful...but love faces pain and fights to bring healing. I also have avoided the topic and not really allowed myself to learn about and understand the pain in this world, but to do so means I am ignoring reality. A reality that millions of children and women face every day. Modern day slavery.

Will you choose once again to turn away from the pain in the world and pretend it doesn't exist? If we just pretend it doesn't exist then it won't effect us, it won't drive us to fight for freedom. Why do we want to pretend? Yes, its painful, but its extremely painful for those who are currently going through it. I want to be a person of compassion who is willing to face the pain to bring freedom and healing and restoration to others. Sure, I may only make a little difference, but isn't it worth it to try?


So, if you are ready to open your eyes for the sake of those who are trapped and be a part of them finding freedom...then please join me on this journey of becoming more aware of this issue of sex slavery/human trafficking. I know you won't be the same. I'm not.

Yes, it's scary. Yes, it's painful. Yes, it's worth it.

I will be focusing on this topic for awhile, and will be sharing about more organizations that are working to abolish sex slavery/human trafficking in the world, one person at a time. Some of the organizations that I have already written about who are working towards this goal are: Starfish, Sari Bari, International Princess Project, and Chains for Chains.

Together we can bring change to this world.


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